
What is the right Craigslist Ad Title? Ter Scott tells you.

If you’ve sold anything online before
you’ve probably sold things on Craigslist.
If you haven’t you are certainly missing out on a ton of money. Craigslist is a “big deal” to me to the point where I actually coach people on how to get the most from their ads there. You can see my coaching services at: If you are not seeing your ads posted (ghost ads), are getting more than your share of “flagged removals” and would just like to get better results consider my coaching service.

For today, I want to share about the importance of using “teaser” ads in your titles. This is much the same way as to how we’ll do the same in printed ads using a “banner headline”, or in the subject line of an email, etc.

This week I posted this headline:

Don’t look at this until Monday

When you open the ad you’ll get my picture of my Newton Navigator


…and this message:


If you don't have this catalog, you're spending too much for Imprinted Promotional Items.
Get yours free today by going to (add the www before the address or simply Google the address).
If you are thinking about getting these things in the future, at least go to the site,
and save it in your favorites; I'll give your free shipping on your first order for doing so.
Thanks, you'll be glad you did.

Leave a message at the end of this post or contact me and I’ll let you know just how well this worked. In the meantime, for all of your ads, consider taking a small risk and “play” a bit with your craigslist titles and test them to see which works the best for you; have fun!

Also, as a small plug here about the Newton Navigator Catalog, it really is filled with low cost imprinted items for businesses and organizations. What ever message you want to put out there, imprinted promotional items can be the most effective and low cost way of doing so. I promise to give the readers of this blog the same great service that I do with all of my customers across the USA! Get yours FREE too!

Make it a great day!