
Are Your Craigslist Ads Effective?

Create better and more effective Craigslist Ads!

It does not matter where or for how much you place your advertising, you still want a return on investment (ROI) just as you would on any thing else you invest in for your business. If you are not getting results from your Craigslist Ads, look closely at this picture that I placed within my own CL ad that shows several listings. I ask: "Which ad is being opened"? Look and tell me:

Note several things in the ad selling the "92 Dodge. The title is different than any other. Some ads don't take advantage of having a picture, but even so, most pictures are of the vehicle. This one is a picture of a handwritten poster with details of the vehicle. (If you don't know, the first picture that you upload to your CL ad, is the one that shows in the "pic view").

Notice that it is possible to add quite a lot of info in the title so people have more before they open your ad. Plus, you can even add more info within the "name of the town" box. And finally, it states '92 Dodge, but doesn't state exactly what kind of a Dodge or if it is a car or truck. So that is a bit of a teaser for them to open it.

Finally, it doesn't matter what you do, you should "test" things to see what works for you. If you would like more posts like this one, let me know below. Also, be sure to "follow by email" at the right.

Make it a great day!

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